Artificial intelligence tools like ChatGPT provide unprecedented leverage when you know how to use them effectively. Jimmy Burgess and Andy Beal discuss how to use ChatGPT to the fullest.
ChatGPT continues to provide new and fresh ways for agents to utilize the technology to generate next-level business results. The following are the latest and greatest uses I’ve found.
1. Teach ChatGPT who you are, so it serves you better
One of the main shortfalls in the past was the fact that ChatGPT could not recall previous requests, so you would need to include several details about yourself, your business, and your ideal client in each prompt to get the best results. That has changed with the introduction of the custom instructions feature.
This feature allows you to provide and save a description of who you are, the characteristics of your business, who your ideal clients are, and many more details. This enables ChatGPT to provide you with personalized and more suitable answers to your promptings.
The following is an example prompt to get the process started.
Ask me questions to help you better understand me and my business so you can provide better responses. My answers to your questions will serve as my custom instructions on my account for future interactions.
After asking you a series of questions, ChatGPT will thank you for your answers and let you know that it now has a full understanding of you and your business.
Then prompt it with the following:
Based on my answers to your questions above, provide me with a description I can upload into my custom instructions that you will be able to reference for future promptings.
Once that is provided, place it into your custom instructions and save it. The custom instructions can be found by clicking on your name at the bottom left corner of your ChatGPT page. This will open additional option tabs. Select the custom instructions tab, save your details and you are now optimized to utilize ChatGPT at a much higher level.
2. Use ChatGPT to dominate listing appointments
Due to the incredible market over the last few years, marketing homes and giving world-class listing presentations are skills that many have either lost or never developed. As the market changes, your ability to wow sellers during your listing presentation will become more and more important.
This is where ChatGPT can help. The following is a list of promptings and how to present them that will help you dominate listing appointments.
Please provide me with an MLS description for the home located at [address] modeled after [insert previous MLS description], but different and in a more professional tone.
If you don’t have a previous MLS description for the home utilize the following prompt:
Please provide me with an MLS description for the home located at (address) with the following highlights and amenities: (Bullet point list of all highlights and amenities)
Once you have the first description, then prompt ChatGPT in the following ways:
Now rewrite this in more of a luxury tone (or whatever tone you prefer).
Now rewrite this in a more conversational tone (or whatever tone you prefer).
Print all three MLS descriptions and put them in a file folder. Then prompt ChatGPT with the following requests:
Now convert this to an SEO-optimized Facebook post announcing this home as a new listing including emojis and hashtags.
Now convert this to an SEO-optimized Instagram post announcing this home as a new listing including emojis and hashtags.
Now convert this to an SEO-optimized LinkedIn article announcing the home as a new listing.
Now convert this to an SEO-optimized YouTube script for a video highlighting this home being for sale.
Once ChatGPT has provided each of these requests, print them individually, and place them in the folder with the three MLS descriptions.
The last prompt to request from ChatGPT is:
Now provide me with 25 unique ways to market this home and attract an ideal buyer.
Some of the suggested marketing strategies may not apply, but out of the 25 provided there should be 15 or more that you can modify in your words as added ways you will market the listing differently than other agents the seller may interview for the listing agent position. Print that list of unique ways to market the home and put it in your folder.
At the listing appointment, the presentation of these materials could resemble the following:
Mr. and Mrs. Seller, I wanted to share with you a few of the proposed ways that I would present your home to find the ideal buyer. First off, the description of your home in the MLS is critical when potential buyers are considering which homes they decide to see. The description should convince them they need to make sure they see yours.
Here are three different MLS descriptions I prepared for you to review. I wrote them in three different tones including professional, luxury, and conversational tones. I’d love for you to look at these to see if there are any highlights of the property I missed that should be mentioned and to see if any of the three stand out as the best version to present to potential buyers.
This sets the tone that you have prepared to meet them, and it also gets them involved in the potential marketing. Then lead into the following:
I also took the time to utilize Artificial Intelligence to assist me with the preparation of a social media marketing campaign to generate as much exposure and momentum in the marketing of your home as possible. Here is the first draft of a proposed Facebook post, Instagram post, LinkedIn article, and YouTube video script that I would utilize.
Lastly, most agents market homes with the 3-P method of placing it in the MLS, putting a sign in the yard and praying a buyer shows up. This is a list of 20 unique ways I plan to market your property to help us generate the highest sales price possible, in the least amount of time, and with the least amount of hassles for you.
Utilizing ChatGPT to assist you with taking your listing presentation to the next level will lead to more listings.
3. Let ChatGPT help you systemize effective follow-up
Creating efficiencies in your business is another great way to utilize ChatGPT. A few of the areas you can utilize ChatGPT include ways to reengage with leads in your database, provide an automated initial follow-up email upon website registration, and consistent check-ins with your database. Although this only scratches the surface, I hope the following not only encourages you to take action but motivates you to seek additional creative ways to systemize your business.
Here are a few examples of prompts:
Please provide me with an email to my real estate database of potential buyers and sellers that reengages them and that has a call to action for them to call me for additional details on how the changing real estate market has created opportunities for both buyers and sellers.
Please provide me with an email that will automatically be sent to a prospect who just registered on my website with a call to action that includes calling me to discuss their ideal home so I can help them find it as soon as possible.
Please provide me with a series of six monthly emails to prospective clients in my real estate database that remind them that I am a real estate agent and provide answers to frequently asked questions home buyers and home sellers have.
By creating efficiencies your business will have the ability to scale in the future.
4. Unlock a fool-proof business plan for success
Now is the time to begin your goal-setting and planning for 2024. ChatGPT is a great way to lay out a business plan with daily activities to help make 2024 your best year ever. Personalize the following prompt to develop a plan of action that turns your goals into reality.
I am a real estate agent in [your city] who closed [however many transactions you closed] last year with an average sale price of [your average sales price]. Please give me a plan of action including marketing strategies and daily activities to close 36 transactions in 2024 with 60 percent of my transactions generating from listings and 40 percent from working with buyers.
If you are serious about your business, you must have a business plan. ChatGPT just made it easy.
5. Grow like wildfire on social media
We all know we should produce more and better content on social media. The time needed to think of ideas and create the posts is what holds most agents back. This is yet another way ChatGPT can help.
Let’s start with the challenge of generating engaging post ideas. The following prompt is a great way to start:
I am a real estate agent in [your city] looking for [platform you choose: Facebook, Instagram, etc.] post ideas for my ideal client which is [whoever it is: first-time homebuyer, someone considering selling their home, etc.]. Please provide me with 25 SEO-optimized post ideas that will generate engagement and a call to action.
Now that you have a list of post ideas, choose the ideas you like, and ask it to create the posts for ideas you want, including emojis and hashtags. This two-step process provides you with the content ideas and SEO-optimized posts you need.
We live in an amazing time when all the excuses for success have been removed. You have the tools needed readily available to reach that next level in your business. Take action and the results you desire will follow.
Randy Byrd, Team Leader & Coach
The Byrd House Team - Brokered by eXp Realty, License# 01878277
Licensed in California and Oregon
CA#01388021 & OR#201235026
Cell 541-570-5777
Office 707-775-0999